What reactions did you get when you decided to go natural? I think I received mixed emotions. My mother couldn't believe I had done it, because she had always been used to seeing me with long straight hair. Most of my friends actually loved it.
What do you love most about being natural? I love the fact that I can pretty much do whatever I want to do with my hair. I can do the wash and go, wear it straight, go with twists, or even add weave if I want. There are so many options available!
Did you transition or Big Chop? I transitioned for 18 months because I had never had short hair and I know I wouldn't feel comfortable doing the Big Chop.
What is your favorite natural hair style? Currently, two strand twists are my favorite hair style. I do enjoy mohawks for special outings.
What is your current hair care regime? LOL!!!! I really don't have a hair care regimen at this time. I do go every two weeks to get it done just because I am lazy and as I call it "hair retarded" when it comes to styling my hair.
What is the most damaging thing you've done to your hair? The most damaging thing I have done to my hair was using heat. After using heat on my hair about a year or so ago, the front of my hair did not revert back and I am still trying to nurse it back to health.
What are your favorite products? I am a product junkie, so I use a mix of products. I am still searching for a product that my hair takes well to.
Do you have any natural hair goals? My main goal is to have healthy hair and regrow my thinning edges.
Do you receive negative comments from people? If so, how do you deal with it? I haven't received any negative comments about my hair.
Any encouraging words for those considering going natural or are already natural? Even though going natural has been a fun and exciting journey getting to know my hair and the different styles that I have been able to experiment with, it does take a LOT of work. I would say that going natural takes a lot more work than having to maintain relaxed hair, but that shouldn't stop you from making the experience fun! Once you do get to know your hair and the products that your hair loves, the journey does get easier.
If you would like to be feature of the month, send me an email along with two or three head shots, showing your hair. I'll reply with the questions for you to answer.
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