Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Not everyone can go natural...

      'I wish I could go natural, but it just wouldn't look good on me'.
If I could get paid every time I've heard that statement, I'd be ready to retire very soon. How about this one, 'Natural hair fits you because it goes with your personality, but everyone can't go natural.' I get a little thrown back when I hear women say they can't go natural because their hair is too nappy. Really? It's natural, what else are you expecting here?!
As much as I try to sympathize with everyone when I hear these statements, because I know how spoiled we are with the choice to slap a relaxer on that new growth when it starts to surface, I still don't understand. Yeah yeah, I know people have chosen to not go or stay natural because they feel it just doesn't look good on them or they just can't handle the "naps", but look at it this way, straight hair is NOT growing from your scalp, EVERYONE begins with natural hair and all in all is how you are supposed to look, hypothetically speaking. Don't get me wrong, I give kudos to Madam CJ Walker and her invention of relaxers and the pressing comb, but WHAT IF she hadn't been so. Natural hair would be the norm for the way our hair looks.
This post isn't to bash chemicals and heat styles. By all means, you do what works for you, but I just want to give clarity to women who want to go natural and really feel they can't. YES YOU CAN!! 
I know transitioning from relaxed to natural hair can be nerve racking and some are little anxious as to how their hair will look once completely natural. Will it be kinky, loose curls, or coily? Most women hope for a loose curl or even a coil. I don't mean to rain on your parade, but unless you are biracial, you are more than likely setting yourself up for disappointment. You need to be willing to embrace your hair no matter how kinky it turns out to be. Find pictures for inspiration, but be careful not to "wish" that your hair looks like theirs.
Even Barbie has gone natural

Remember there are so many different styles you can wear. Natural hair, to me, is more versatile than straight hair. African American natural hair textures can come out in so many different ways considering our genetic pool is mixed with a variety of races. I believe all natural hair is beautiful whether it is super fine and silky curls or nappy kinky coils. I encourage all who are going natural to transform your mind as well during the process. Pray that you accept what God has given you naturally. ANYBODY can go natural, with the right mind set. Decide now that you are going to love YOU no matter what!! LOVE YOUR HAIR!!!

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