Hair Clarifying
1/2 tablespoon apple cider vinegar1 cup warm water
mix the ingredients and pour onto shampooed hair OR you can rinse your hair and pour the clarifier onto your hair before you shampoo and condition. I've done both ways and they work either way. Don't worry about the smell, if you use it after shampooing. It will dissipate as it dries. This mixture will help balance out your pH and remove product build up.
Honey and Olive Oil Conditioner
3 teaspoons honey
1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
Heat the honey in a bowl, not too hot. Add olive oil. Work through the hair using small amounts at a time. I usually dampen my hair with warm water to help it glide on easier, but you can put it on dry hair. Place a shower cap on your head for 30 minutes. Shampoo and condition as normal. This helps to make the hair softer and shinier.
Egg and honey treatment
Egg yolk provides protein, which strengthens the hair. Honey gives hair a nice sheen. Almond oil is rich in vitamins and minerals and lastly yogurt promotes hair growth and makes the hair easier to comb. This recipe makes for a wonderful hair cocktail.
1 tablespoon honey
1 egg yolk
1/2 teaspoon almond oil
1 tablespoon natural (plain) yogurt
Cucumber/Oil Treatment
I haven't tried this personally, but I've read that it's good for frequent swimmers.
1 egg
1 egg shell's worth of extra virgin olive oil
1 quarter of a peeled cucumber
Blend ingredients. Spread evenly through your hair and leave on 10 minutes. Rinse thoroughly and style as usual.
Itchy Scalp Treatments
I get a lot of calls about what to do for itchy or dry scalp. I have been on a man hunt to find different remedies. Here are few that I've found to be helpful.
5 drops of rosemary oil
5 drops of lavender oil
Soak oatmeal in water for 20 minutes and strain. Add the oils. Rub liberally onto the scalp. Let it sit for as long as needed and rinse thoroughly. Shampoo and condition as normal.
Two drops peppermint oil
1 cup of water
Massage the scalp gently with this mixture to help with dry scalp.
Mix equal parts olive oil, almond oil and coconut oil. Warm the mixture and apply it on the scalp to relieve itchiness caused by dandruff.
Mix equal parts rosemary oil, carrot oil, jojoba oil and sage oil. Massage the scalp gently to relieve itchiness.
One avocado
2 bananas
Mix together. Rub through hair and scalp. Leave in for 30 minutes rinse thoroughly.
Hair Growth Mixture
This mixture will help in stimulating the scalp and promoting hair growth. It can be used in different sections or all over. Consistent applications is the key for this mixture.
2 oz pure vitamin E oil
2 oz castor oil or jojoba oil
15 drops rosemary oil
15 drops peppermint oil
Put ingredients in a container and mix well. Use your fingertips to dip into the mixture and massage the area. IF you want a more solid mixture you can use 4 oz of coconut oil instead of the castor or jojoba oil. This is a great way to treat thin hair lines. You can use this nightly, but be sure to keep the hair shampooed regularly so that it won't clog the hair follicle--which can cause itchiness and slow hair growth.
Let's talk about Vegetable Glycerin for a second...
I've recently discovered this product and have fallen head over heals in love with it!!
Vegetable glycerin is a by-product of the soap making process. It is known for being a humectant, meaning it attracts water or moisture. You'll find glycerin in a mind boggling amount of skin and hair products. You can't just coat your hair with it or you'll get a sticky mess, but using it along with other products makes for excellent relief on those extra dry days.
Here are a couple of spritzes you can make:
3 tablespoons vegetable glycerin
2 tablespoons honey
1 tablespoon aloe vera juice
2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil
1/2 cup water
1 spray bottle
Pour all the ingredients in the bottle. Shake really well to disperse honey and olive oil throughout the water. You'll have to shake it with each use.
For a quick and easy hydrating spray mix equal parts vegetable glycerin and water into a bottle. Add 3 drops of an essential oil (rosemary, lavender, tea tree or cedarwood). Spray on the hair as needed.
These are just a few of many recipes out there for healthy and happy hair. I will continue to post them as I continue to discover them. As I said, you can mix and match ingredients to come up with products that work best for you.
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